Donate to Change a Life Today!

Help Change a Life Today through meaningful employment

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Help Change a Life Today through meaningful employment

Will You Consider Helping?

The famed management consultant and educator Peter Drucker once said that “the product of a nonprofit is a changed human being.” EnableUtah was established to provide training and work experiences for disabled individuals to help them achieve the change that Mr. Drucker referred to.

Thomas is one human being whose life has been changed through the assistance of EnableUtah. Thomas has been employed at a local RV dealership since 2019. Since joining the work team, Thomas has learned to work independently and has earned a steady paycheck that allows him to become more independent.

This past Christmas, Thomas participated in the company giving tree program, donating more gifts than any other employee using his own money. Thomas told everyone that he wanted to help people that weren’t as lucky as he was. The RV dealership shared recently that since he hired Thomas he has noticed that employee morale has increased as well as productivity.

Thomas is just one person that EnableUtah has helped become a changed person.

With your help, EnableUtah can provide scholarships, paid internships, increased wages, and develop a customizable curriculum for those that we serve.

Will you consider helping EnableUtah change lives today?

A donation of just $34 each month allows a donor to maximize a special State of Utah Tax Credit. This tax credit allows for a dollar-for-dollar reduction in the amount of State Tax that is owed. Please refer to Utah Code 59-10-1004 for more information.

* Name and photo have been changed to protect the dignity of those we serve.